July 18, 2021
The monthly rations distributed to the FINs usually consist of rice (5kg/10kg/15kg), wheat flour (1 kg), cooking oil (1 kg/2kg/5kg), sugar (1kg), cracker biscuits (125gm), instant noodles (5 x 75gm), mee hoon (400gm/1kg), sardines (425gm), baked beans (425gm), condensed milk (500gm), milk powder (900gm) or Milo (500gm/1kg) and curry powder (meat/fish 250 gm).
The quantity given with regards to rice, cooking oil, mee hoon and Milo takes into consideration whether it is to a single person, two/three persons or four/more than four persons. The ration distribution day is always on the third Sunday of each month from 9.00am to 11.30 am, with rescheduling made if that particular Sunday is an important feastday of the Church.
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Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.
Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.
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