February 25, 2022
In early 2021, Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang approached CHS asking if we would be able to help to provide Covid patients with meals and extra snacks at the quarantined centers. This was an outreach opportunity for CHS as well as our way of showing gratitude to the frontliners who has been working so hard the past months.
The Project was supported through collection of food provisions (food basket) & cash donations. Due to hygiene purpose and to prevent further infection, individually packed dry food such as 3-in-1 beverages, cup noodles and snacks were provided as the patients were not allowed to cook at the quarantine center. Various ministries in CHS stepped up to volunteer while some parishioners helped to prepare well-wisher and thank you card to the patients and frontliners.
CHS also held prayers for all those affected by the Covid-19 pandemic in all its masses.
Audience and where it took place:
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Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.
Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.
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