
Reflection on

The Transformation of A HIV Woman

This story is about a 41 years old woman, Preti who was diagnosed with HIV 15 years ago. She is staying in Penang at the moment. She is a married woman without children. 

In the beginning, Preti did not know she was having HIV. The doctors will say it’s just a normal fever and says nothing wrong with her. However, Preti became very ill and weak day by day. She was also admitted to the hospital twice but the doctors could not find what is wrong with her so, they discharged her. After a few months, Preti’s health became even worse, she was in a very bad condition. Preti could not eat properly and I coughed a lot. Preti’s brother took her to a private hospital in Sungai Petani to check again. Preti was really shocked to know that she was diagnosed with HIV.  

Preti was very heartbroken after knowing about this. she didn’t want to go to the hospital, she literally wanted to give up on life. Her parents were very upset. They told her that she should take care of her life, they have taken care of her for 26 years. Preti’s parents encouraged her to see a doctor for further treatment. Preti’s father brought Preti to Government Hospital Penang to follow up with a doctor.

A representative from the Mercy Home, Ms. Elizabeth approached Preti. First, Preti did not answer Ms.Elizabeth’s call because she was very weak. Then, Ms.Elizabeth went to visit Preti in the hospital and talked to Preti but Preti was not ready to talk with her. Ms. Elizabeth told Preti to stay with her so that she can take Preti to the hospital for TB treatment.

Preti stayed in Mercy Home for a few months until she becomes stronger and recovered from TB. After Preti’s TB was cleared, Preti started the HIV treatment. Then Preti went back home and get a new Job.

According to Preti, Mercy home does not get government funding, they only rely on public donations. Mercy home will get into financial difficulties if no one donates to the shelter. The shelter needs a lot of money to buy food, and medication supplies like adult diapers, wound wrap bandages, and others.

Preti’s future plans are to come back to Mercy home and help in the shelter, doing charity work to help other HIV women who are in need.


Observe the facts, know the reality.


Use social analysis and moral values to make judgement about the facts.


Plan a realistic and effective strategy to action.

Step 1: See

Q&A with Preti

My name is Preti. I am 41 years old, I stay in Penang at the moment. I am married without children, I am living with my husband.

In hospital Kulim, they say I don’t have any illness, but just a normal fever. But day by day, I became weak. I was admitted twice but they couldn’t find out what was wrong with me. So they discharged me. After a few months, my condition worsened, I was in a bad condition, I could not eat well and I coughed a lot. My brother took me to a private hospital in Sungai Petani, then I found out that I got infected with HIV.

I didn’t want to go to the hospital, I was down and I wanted to give up my life. My parents were very upset. They told me I should take care of my life, they have taken care of me for the past 26 years and I should continue to live. They encouraged me to see a doctor because the medication is available. I agreed and my father brought me to Government Hospital in Penang to follow up with a doctor.

When Ms. Elizabeth (Pastoral of Mercy Home) called me, I couldn’t answer her call because I was very weak. She came to visit me in the hospital and talked to me but I didn’t want to talk to her because I didn’t know her at all. Ms. Elizabeth told me to come and stay with her so that she can take me to the hospital for TB treatment. 

I stayed in the shelter for about 5 months until I get stronger and recovered from TB. After my TB was cleared, I started the HIV treatment. Then I told Ms. Elizabeth that I want to go back home and get a new job.

Mercy Home doesn’t get government funds, they only rely on public donations. They will get into financial difficulties if no one donates to the shelter. The shelter needs a lot of money to buy food, and medication supplies like adult diapers, wound wrap bandages, and others.

When my job contract is finished, I will come back to help in the shelter, doing charity work to help other HIV women in need. 

Step 2: Judge

How do biblical values help us to see this reality in a different way?

Reflection based on Matthew 17:1-9

This story is about Preti who was diagnosed with HIV which in turn, led to much hopelessness and despair. Just when she thought that she had reached a dead end, God shone forth His Light and showed her that there was hope moving forward! God did this through Preti’s parents and brother who helped her seek treatment for HIV as well as Ms. Elizabeth from Mercy Home who helped her recover from TB.

God is so merciful and gracious that He allows us to experience encounters with Him that leave us changed and transformed just like Peter, James & John were deeply impacted after they had encountered the Lord at the Transfiguration.

I believe that, in this story, Preti, her family & Ms. Elizabeth all encountered the grace, mercy and healing of Jesus. This testimony is an invitation for you to open your heart to an encounter with Jesus. Come and see. 

Step 3: Act

What action are you going to take now?

This Lent, in what ways can I show compassion and love to the most vulnerable and neglected people in my community? Who are they? Can I come out of my comfort zone to pray for them and befriend them?

Renew Our Hearts to Care

May our care for creation and the poor move us to action.


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Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.

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