
Knowing Territory

Senior Citizen, Disabled & Sick

Penang city has a relatively low poverty rate (approximately 2% – refer Penang Institute research data). However, due to the rising living costs sparked by the rising global inflationary rate – there are certain groups that are affected, namely the senior citizens that unable to cope with cost from their savings, the disabled and where the family/person is affected by severe illness i.e. cancer, accidents etc. 

Caritas Cathedral of The Holy Spirit (Caritas CHS) was set up to help the poorest community within the its territory. It is a pastoral body of parish community whose task is to animate, coordinate, promote and witness charity with special accent on its pedagogical role. In other words, Caritas CHS not only helps the poorest within the church’s territory but also involve the whole parish community to live the commandment of love.

Social services

Sharing Hope 2.0

During the Covid-19 lockdown, Sharing Hope started as simple parish project: providing dry provisions for the low-risk covid patients at the quarantine centres. As time passed, the number of patients went down and the quarantine centres were moving to the mainland. At the same time, the volunteers received feedback from the people saying that the need is greater for non-covid patients as many has lost their jobs and source of income. There were also the urban poor who previously may have had lucrative jobs but their income was reduced or gone due to the effect of Movement control order (MCO).

Inter-parish cooperation

Sharing Hope 2.0 took shape to take care of this group of people. It is a platform where it encourages all who wish to reach out to the poor in the parish. This project received a big support from the parishioners: Society of St Vincent de Paul, Agape Meal, Ministry of the Poor, BECs and many individual also participated. They have a team who purchase and prepare the items, the volunteers would come to collect the provisions and deliver it to the people.

Collaborate with other parishes

To date, Sharing Hope also work with other Penang island parishes to provide ration for the poor, regardless of their race and religion. If there is anyone who is in need of food, upon investigation, the team will quickly dispatch the ration to the family.

Coordinate and Collaboration

to support each other.

Caritas CSH fells under the umbrella of service and outreach cluster. They works together with many ministries within the same parish and other parishes, and the diocese to help the needy.

Basic Ecclesial Community

The BECs assist one another – neighbours, charitable homes within their area and raising funds for charitable causes.

Ministries of Mission Concerned

On-going assistance has been available to assist individuals & families through the Society of St Vincent De Paul and the Parish Human Development Committee over the past years.


Various outreach programs organised by ministries especially CEC (Catechism) camps and by the Love Squad (Confirmation students) every Lent.

Formation Groups

Formation such as School of Community Organisation, Renewal and Evangelisation (SCORE) that include streetwalk, outreach to the migrants and orang asli and many more.

Caritas Networks

Caritas CSH actively engaged with Diocesan Caritas as well as other diocesan ministries to organise similar activities and share resources with one another.

Animate parish community

The Structure of Caritas CSH

During the pandemic during the 1st lockdown in year 2020, a team was form at parish level to actively helping the poor or those affected by the lockdown across Penang through various means and channel.

Become A Caritas Vounteer

Serve Jesus in the poor.

Caritas HNM needs volunteers to run projects to help the poorest within the church’s territory. Do you like to offer your talent to serve Jesus in the poor? Contact the Caritas Representative to learn more.



Call Us If You Want To Work Together

The Catholic church’s mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on earth. Therefore, we seek to work with communities, non-governmental organisations, and local authorities to promote an inclusive and sustainable development for all.

+604-229 2742

What is Caritas

Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.

Get Involved


Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.

© 2022 Caritas – Diocese of Penang. All Right Reserved.

Penang Diocesan Lenten Campaign 2025

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