
Lenten Theme

Renew our hearts to care.

Lent is the time when we remember the 40 days that Jesus spent in the wilderness, facing challenges and temptation. It is a time when we reflect on God’s purpose for our lives.

This year, we invite you to reflect on real human stories, understand their sufferings and judge the reality based on Gospel’s reflection and finally discern how the Holy Spirit wants you to take action to change.


we seek the Lord in prayer by reading Sacred Scripture


we practice self-control through fasting


we serve by giving alms


we allow others the opportunity to do charity through receive

Feb 22 - Apr 2, 2023

How to observe Lent?

Penang Diocesan Lenten Campaign is aimed at encouraging the faithful to be meaningfully and fruitfully engaged in the 3 key Christian practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

The desired outcome of these triple Lenten practices is conversion, renewal, and transformation of our hearts to become a community of care.

As we journey through Lent together, you are encouraged to use these devotions as part of a daily spiritual journey: read the scriptures, watch the videos and do reflections. You can write in a journal, share on social media, or reflect in silent prayer. Whatever you choose, let this be your prayer:

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.” – Psalm 51:10

“But when you pray, go to your private room, shut yourself in, and so pray to your Father who is in that secret place, and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you. ” – Matthew 6:6

Throughout the season of Lent, we are called to deepen our prayer life.

For some of us, this means beginning a habit of daily prayer, setting aside time each day to share our hopes, joys, fears, and frustrations with God.

Praying first thing in the morning, while the house is still quiet, or talking to God while on your commute to work are simple ways to integrate prayer into everyday life.

Praying the Rosary, visiting the Blessed Sacrament, or attending a daylong silent retreat may bring you to new places in your relationship with God.

“But when you fast, put scent on your head and wash your face, so that no one will know you are fasting except your Father who sees all that is done in secret; and your Father who sees all that is done in secret will reward you.” –Matthew 6:17-18

Lent has traditionally been the season where we give something up, often sweets, or favorite food, in order to focus on the sacrifice Christ made on the cross. But fasting is much more than a means of developing self-control. Fasting is spiritual and physical purification; the pangs of hunger remind us of our hunger for God. Fasting and abstinence help us to participate more fully in the cross of Christ.

“So when you give alms, do not have it trumpeted before you; this is what the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets to win human admiration. In truth I tell you, they have had their reward.” –Matthew 6:2

Charitable giving is a very ancient practice; almsgiving was normative long before the time of Jesus.

The Lenten call to almsgiving means making the needs of other people our own. One of the central lessons of the cross is compassion; the heavy burdens we carry help us to appreciate the suffering of others.

Sharing our material goods is often just the beginning of real Christian giving. We are also called to share our time tending to people in need.

1. SEE: Watch the video (Observe the facts, know the reality.)

Beginning on 1st Sunday of Lent, gather together in your ministry before or after mass. Pray and watch the videos together.

2. JUDGE: Read the Gospel (Use social analysis and moral values to make judgement about the facts.)

  • Find the Sunday’s Gospel, take turns to read the words of Gospel (2-3 times). While one is reading, the rest listen to the words carefully, let God speak to you.
  • Sit in silence for few minutes so that what God is telling us can be heard.
  • Reflect:

    • What has drawn my attention or struck me in some way?
    • Why? Was it a person? A word? A situation? A gesture?
    • What therefore, is God saying to me through these words here and now today?

3. ACT: Call to Action (Plan a realistic and effective strategy to action.)

  • Share in a group the words that have had the most impact in today’s passage, or the message it has conveyed.
  • Listen to one another with open hearts. Let the Holy Spirit lead the discussion.
  • Make a plan to change. Say a prayer to give thanks and to ask God’s strength to execute the plan. Consider to sit in a quiet and attentive resting in the presence of God before ending.

Read Scriptures

Ash Wednesday

Matthew 6:1-6,16-18
Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, fast and almsgiving.

1st Sunday of Lent

Matthew 4:1-11
Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness.

2nd Sunday of Lent

Matthew 17:1-9
Jesus is transfigured and becomes radiant in glory upon a mountain.

3rd Sunday of Lent

John 4:5-42
Jesus offered a Samaritan woman the living water of eternal life.

4th Sunday of Lent

John 9:1-41
Jesus restored eye sight to a blind man.

5th Sunday of Lent

John 11:1-45
Jesus raised Lazarus of Bethany from the dead four days after his entombment.

Palm Sunday

Matthew 26:14-27:66
The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to Matthew.

Easter Sunday

John 20:1-9
Jesus rose from the dead.

Lenten Reflections

Stories of Hope

Lent, a time for reflection, is also a season of conversion. Share these Lent stories below with your church community and inspire your parishioners to take action.

1st Sunday of Lent 26.2.2023

The Faith of A Lost Sheep


2nd Sunday of Lent 3.5.2023

The Transformation of A HIV Woman


3rd Sunday of Lent 12.3.2023

The Cries of The Earth


4th Sunday of Lent 19.3.2023

The Suffering of The Poor


5th Sunday of Lent 26.3.2023

The Life of A Migrant Worker



Start a Kempen Kasih in my community.

As we have reflected on the stories above, now it’s time for us to put our faith into action.

We want to invite you to take the first step on your journey by simply stopping for a moment and prayerfully and humbly seeing and hearing the people around you.

The next step is to start a Kempen Kasih in your family, school, office, ministry, or church, to offer food to the hungry, a caring hand to the sick and dying, listen to the voice of the voiceless and echo their cries, and give alms to those who are needy.

Finally, you are welcome to inspire us with your Lent experiences.

Be Inspired

Volunteer Stories

Below are some examples of people who volunteer for Caritas services and parish outreach projects. Be inspired and may our hearts be renewed to care for our earth and the poor!

Mr Edwin

Ms Annie

Launching of Lenten 2023

Message from Our Chairman

Rev Fr Joachim Robert

Dear friends, the theme we have chosen for the Lenten Campaign 2023 is “ Renew Our Hearts To Care”. The Lenten Team came out with a 3 year tagline beginning last year called “Together We Restore, Renew and Rebuild”. Last year the focus was on the 1st R “ Restore”. For this year, the focus will be on the 2nd R which is  Renew. 

Ezekiel 36:26 says, “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.” As we prepare ourselves for Lenten Season, let us seek the Lord to renew our hearts to care for our common home and the many people who are suffering in our midst.

Recent tragedies have awakened us. We urgently need to care of our common home. Climate change, plastic pollution, floods, landslides and other natural disasters that claimed many lives are the result of our irresponsible care for creation. Let us come together as a community and move towards a renewed heart to care for the environment through the many initiatives planned by your Lenten teams in the parishes.

We are also invited to reflect on the plight of the people around us and understand their sufferings and  discern what the Holy Spirit wants you to do during the Lenten season and throughout the year. Let us live our faith during Lent, perform works of mercy such as feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless , visit the sick, visit the prisoners, bury the dead, give alms to the poor and care for our common home. 

Let us be reminded of the Good Samaritan during this Lent who went out his way, to care for the wounded man.  We pray that the the Holy Spirit will open our eyes and heart to hear the cry of the wounded earth, the wounded people. That we will be instruments of compassion . We will listen care and bring hope and love thru the corporals works of mercy we can do as a community following the footsteps of Jesus.

For the initiatives , In conjunction with Lenten Campaign 2023, Caritas Penang will be giving RM5,000 to all parishes in Penang Diocese for their Kempen Kasih Lenten initiatives.

What is Kempen Kasih? Kempen Kasih are the little acts of love we can do together as a family, individual, as a parish, BEC and community to show that we care for the environment and the poor.

We hope that you will take time, to watch the video reflections that are provided and reflect on what the Holy Spirit wants to move you to action. Let us together Renew our Hearts to Care.

God Bless.

Lenten Prayer

Renew Our Hearts To Care

God Our Father, you created heaven and earth and all that is in them.

All that you created was good. You made us in your image and called us to be coresponsible of your creation.

Have mercy on us Lord for we have sinned against You by failing to abide to your will.

Give a new heart and put a new spirit in us that sees the damage we have caused to our common home.

We ask you to guide us to change our attitudes towards a culture of care.

Your Son became poor so that we, through his poverty, might become rich.

Like Him, help us to be more self-giving in the way we live so that we are able to share the gifts of Creation, which you have freely given to us all.

Strengthen our efforts to love and care so that we overcome the boundaries in our hearts and see all humanity as one human family.

Do not let us be indifferent to what is happening around us but send your Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with hope and enkindle in us the flame of mercy and compassion.

Dear God, take our hands to daily set the world on fire with acts of care and compassion of those who suffer the most this Lenten Season.

Re-enkindle in us the fire of your Love so that we hear the cry of the poor and the cry of the Earth, longing for restoration, protection and renewal.

Heavenly Father, Grant us hearts wide open to the sacredness of life that can help us discern paths of peace from those of oppression, for us and for future generations.

Lead us in your path of love and kindness so that today we care for our common

home and for the poor together, for a better tomorrow.


For Parish

Lenten Resources

Lenten resources are prepared by the Ministry and Commission for parishes, small groups and the wider community. Links for digital versions of each resource are available below.

Total payout 2022

Where our funds go?

Your generosity today can help create lasting change for all future generations.

Amount in Ringgit Malaysia (RM)

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Renew Our Hearts to Care

May our care for creation and the poor move us to action.


Call Us If You Want To Work Together

The Catholic church’s mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on earth. Therefore, we seek to work with communities, non-governmental organisations, and local authorities to promote an inclusive and sustainable development for all.

+604-229 2742

What is Caritas

Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.

Get Involved


Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.

© 2022 Caritas – Diocese of Penang. All Right Reserved.

Penang Diocesan Lenten Campaign 2025

Watch the Stories of Hope and download our Lenten Kit