
Parish Caritas

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What is Parish Caritas?

Love towards our neighbours and toward fellow men.

Parish Caritas is a pastoral body of parish community whose task is to animate, coordinate, promote and witness charity with special accent on its pedagogical role.

Parish Caritas is not only an organisation working for the church but it has equal carrier of pastoral. Parish Caritas is the third branch of pastoral (besides catechism and liturgy), which helps the Church and Christians to live the commandment of love.


Caritas is one of the 3 pillars of the life of every parish community, together with liturgy (worship) and catechism (proclamation).


Parish Caritas animates Christians and encourages them to actively live love towards fellow man, so that we all, as an Christian society, face the distress.


Parish Caritas is a means that enables whole parish community to witness Christian love in organised way towards those who are in need.

Roles of Parish Caritas

Animation of Christian community for charity.

Parish Caritas must have a structure that corresponds to the structure of parish community but at the same time strength of Parish Caritas is in volunteers that are willing to participate and in this way testify Love of Jesus.

Animate parish community

to remind Christians on Jesus's active love to people in all kinds of distresses, or to awake humanistic consciousness among non-believers.

Knowing territory

to listen to the people in need on its own territory so that we can create relationships with each individual person.

Social services

to offer some activities as an example for all community. Each social activity must be result of need from territory - they are concrete answer to the needs.

Coordination and Collaboration

to create relationship with diocesan and national Caritas, other parish Caritas, other ministries in the parish, NGO's and local governments in order to exchange experience, to support each other and to coordinate similar activities.

The Structure of Parish Caritas

Depending on the Church community and the number of believers, we have different types of Caritas - those based on purely volunteer since there are a lot of believers up to those that have small number of the people (without volunteers) in the community.

Parish Priest

Parish priest have a crucial role in the life of parish Caritas. He is a top manager of parish caritas. Usually roles of parish priest are decision making, monitoring and evaluation and spiritual formations of caritas volunteers.


It is a person that takes care about all parish caritas work. We strongly recommend that this person is also member of parish pastoral council representing parish caritas inside. This person will be a motivator for all of the others; will take care about new ideas, function existing activities, collaborate with partners etc. 


They are all the persons that want to help in any Caritas activity. Strength of one parish Caritas is a number and quality of volunteers they have.


Because pedagogical role of parish Caritas is prevalent, it is logical to have one person that will take care about his role. Activities and responsibilities of animators are to organise events, methodology and aids that go into the function and to animate the entire community.

Economic manager

For good willing of parish Caritas will be great to have one person - volunteer that will take care about financial and other economical resources of Parish Caritas.

Leaders of different social services

Why not to have one person that can be in charge for social services or problems we have in our parish? Even if we don't have any concrete project or service we can give a task to some people to think about methodology and possibilities we have to start such services. Examples can be work with the elderly, youth, disabled persons, poor, addicts, migrants and refugees, victim of violence, ecology, peace building area, Lenten campaign etc.

Case Studies

Example of Good Parish Caritas.

These parishes have been chosen because of their interesting stories, organisations, participants, activities and approaches – so that they represent some interesting case studies for other Parish Caritas willing to start or improve their work.

Caritas Church of Sacred Heart, Kampar

Caritas Church of Sacred Heart, Kampar

Perak Deaneary

Caritas Church of The Holy Name of Mary, Permatang Tinggi

Caritas Church of The Holy Name of Mary, Permatang Tinggi

Northern Deanery

Caritas Cathedral of The Holy Spirit

Caritas Cathedral of The Holy Spirit

Penang Island Deanery

Caritas Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ipoh

Caritas Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ipoh

Perak Deanery


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+604-229 2742

What is Caritas

Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.

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Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.

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