Roles of Parish Caritas
Animation of Christian community for charity.
Parish Caritas must have a structure that corresponds to the structure of parish community but at the same time strength of Parish Caritas is in volunteers that are willing to participate and in this way testify Love of Jesus.
Animate parish community
to remind Christians on Jesus's active love to people in all kinds of distresses, or to awake humanistic consciousness among non-believers.
Knowing territory
to listen to the people in need on its own territory so that we can create relationships with each individual person.
Social services
to offer some activities as an example for all community. Each social activity must be result of need from territory - they are concrete answer to the needs.
Coordination and Collaboration
to create relationship with diocesan and national Caritas, other parish Caritas, other ministries in the parish, NGO's and local governments in order to exchange experience, to support each other and to coordinate similar activities.