
Our Theme

Together We Rebuild

Lent is a 40 day season of prayer, fasting and almsgiving that the Church observes to remind Chirst’s sacrifice on the cross for us. The challenges and temptations Jesus Christ faced during the 40 days in the wilderness make us ponder upon the meaning of sacrifice; what does this season mean to us now at the present? This is the time we set aside once in a year to replicate Jesus’ sacrifice. We shall make Lent 2024 a season of new practices that nurtures new habits in the church. 


Our Church

God’s Family in Ruins

“Francis, rebuild my church, which, as you see, is falling down.” Jesus appeared and spoke this to St.Francis de Assisi. St.Francis understood that he was not supposed to put up stones and rebuild the structure of the church of San Damiano that was falling down but the church that Jesus meant was the Church. Church that Jesus built on St.Peter (Matthew 16:18).

“ The Church is one body united in communion with Jesus” – Pope Francis (2022).

We the people of God are the Church. Paul described the Church as the body of Christ, “You’re God’s field and building” (1Corinthians3:9b).

Brokenness in ourselves, broken marriage leads to a broken family which is a fall of the church. Separation and competition among the ministries of church is the downfall of discipleship.

Lack of unity among the people of God shakes the faith of the Church.

Lent 2024 is a season to urge the rebuilding of faith within the family by putting Christ amidst the family, within ourselves and to live His way that rebuilds the Church.


Our Community

Families are the components of a community, each and everyone of us are accountable for what we do as a community.

Individuals make up a family where we come as a community at workplaces, neighborhood, society and ultimately a nation. The spiritual growth we carry as individuals from within us generates our contribution to the community.

A broken nation means it was caused by the divisions, unfairness, injustices, threats of war, immorality and events that disrupt the peace and unity in our society.

The 12 disciples that Jesus called were all broken in different ways, they trusted Jesus and followed Him; Jesus fixed their brokenness and they went on building community.

Are we allowing God to fix the brokenness in us for us to be rebuilt? This season, as a community let us allow God to fix us and we seek the strength to rebuild what is broken in our common home. 

Suffering in the society


Our Common Home

Climate change

The earth is a home for everyone; a gift from God to us. Pope Francis promulgated Laudato Si which means “Praised Be” that focuses on care for our common home. The Pope addressed every living person on this planet as the significant being to care for creation. “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good” Genesis 1:31.

Humanity is to be fruitful and multiply; the dominion of humans over the earth that God mentioned was reiterated by the Pope which says humans to cultivate, care, protect and preserve the environment which creates a relationship of mutual responsibility between human beings and nature.

As a community we take from the bounty of the earth for whatever we need for our subsistence but are we serving the duty to protect the bounty? We are responsible to protect the earth to ensure its fruitfulness for the future generations.

Jesus appeared before St.Francis de Assisi and said “Go rebuild my church which is falling down” St.Francis understood that he was called to not build again the building of the church but the Church of God.

St.Francis cared deeply for creation in order to live an authentic Christianity; his way of life is an epitome of authentic Christianity. St.Francis preached to both people and birds, he traveled through the countryside studying plants, animals and trees because he felt all plants and animals are part of God’s Kingdom. 


What's Next?

For parents and catechists, we have prepared Lent materials for the children. For the faithful, we encourage you to download our Lenten Kit and use them in your parish, BECs, ministry, school, office and home.


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The Catholic church’s mission is to carry out and continue the work of Jesus Christ on earth. Therefore, we seek to work with communities, non-governmental organisations, and local authorities to promote an inclusive and sustainable development for all.

+604-229 2742

What is Caritas

Caritas is the charitable arm of the Roman Catholic Church. It is to spearhead the church’s social mission, to respond to humanitarian crisis, promote integral human development and advocate on the causes of poverty and violence.

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Caritas Penang comes under the jurisdiction of The Titular Roman Catholic Bishop of Penang.

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Penang Diocesan Lenten Campaign 2025

Watch the Stories of Hope and download our Lenten Kit